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GLO specification

The Generic Ledger Operation (GLO) specification defines a standard, language-agnostic interface to define operations that can be performed on any Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT).


The GLO specification is subject to change to adapt to the constantly changing nature of ledger technologies. For this reason, the structure is versioned using Semantic Versioning.

The current version is 0.1.0.

GLO structure

GLOs are represented as JSON objects. The following is a list of the fields that are common to all GLOs:

Version of the GLO structure.
typeGLO Type enumRequired
Type of operation to be performed on a given DLT network.
optionsGLO Options objectRequired
Ledger-agnostic options of the operation.
metaGLO MetaLedger-specific options of the operation.


"version": "0.1.0",
"type": "transfer",
"options": {
"recipient": {
"lookup_service": {
"type": "ledger",
"value": "ethereum"
"resource": "0xfea8e07b145bb611a4b5ab5c015f3cc3644c083a"
"amount": 0


GLO Type enum

List of supported GLO types:

  • transfer: Transfer of native currency funds.
  • contract_call: Method call of a deployed smart contract.
  • contract_deploy: Deployment of a smart contract.

GLO Options object

The body of the operation is generic for all ledger technologies MARCO supports. This object structure varies depending on the type of operation.

transfer options

An object representing the transfer GLO options.

recipientResource Locator objectRequired.
Resource locator of the recipient of the funds.
amountstring or numberRequired.
Amount of native currency to transfer to recipient.


"recipient": {
"lookup_service": {
"type": "ledger",
"value": "ethereum"
"resource": "0xfea8e07b145bb611a4b5ab5c015f3cc3644c083a"
"amount": 0

contract_call options

An object representing the contract_call GLO options.

contract_instanceResource Locator objectRequired.
Smart contract instance locator.
Method of the contract instance to be called.
argsList of stringsList of arguments passed to the method in the order defined.


"contract_instance": {
"lookup_service": {
"type": "ledger",
"value": "ethereum"
"resource": "0x8b0b7b8c7c7a4b2b4ab15c6d62a01a019b44b827"
"method_name": "set",
"args": ["0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890"]

contract_deploy options

An object representing the contract_deploy GLO options.

contract_sourceResource Locator objectRequired.
Smart contract source locator.
argsList of stringsArguments used to initialise the contract.


"contract_source": {
"lookup_service": {
"type": "marco",
"value": "marco"
"resource": "SCT-oNO0BYzLnho:0.0.1"
"args": ["Hello World!"]

GLO Meta object

An object that is used to specify native ledger-specific options for an operation. Its content varies depending on the DLT being used.

For example, when using the Ethereum ledger, the native_transaction_content field can be used to specify options specific to Ethereum transactions, such as the gasPrice and gasLimit.


"ledger": {
"ethereum": {
"version": "0.0.1",
"native_transaction_content": {
"gasPrice": "0",
"gasLimit": "0"

If there is a conflict between the GLO Options object and the GLO Meta object, the latter takes precedence.

ethereum options

An object representing the specific metainformation for Ethereum operations.

Within the meta.ledger.ethereum.native_transaction_content field, the following options are available:

fromstring (hexadecimal)The Ethereum-native sender address that will be signing the transaction.
tostring (hexadecimal)The receiving Ethereum-native address.
datastringAn optional field to include arbitrary data.
chainIdnumber or string (hexadecimal)The id of the chain to prevent replay attacks. For more information, see EIP-155
noncestring (hexadecimal) or numberA sequentially incrementing counter which indicates the transaction number from the account
valuestring (hexadecimal) or numberThe amount of ether to transfer in WEI (the smallest denomination of ether).
gasPricestring (hexadecimal) or numberThe price per unit of gas in WEI that the sender is willing to pay.
gasLimitstring (hexadecimal) or numberThe maximum amount of gas that the sender is willing to spend on the transaction.

For more information, see Ethereum transactions.


"ledger": {
"ethereum": {
"version": "0.0.1",
"native_transaction_content": {
"from": "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
"to": "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
"data": "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
"chainId": 1,
"nonce": 0,
"value": 0,
"gasPrice": 0,
"gasLimit": 0

Resource Locator object

A resource locator object contains the information to retrieve wallets, smart contract template, or instance details from MARCO or DLT network.

This object has the following fields:

Lookup service to use.
Available values: marco, ledger.
Specific lookup service. It varies depending on the type selected.
Resource identifier in the lookup service.

marco type

When lookup_service.type is set to marco, the lookup_service.value field must be set to marco.

The resource field is the MARCO platform's wallet, smart contract template, or instance identifier.


"lookup_service": {
"type": "marco",
"value": "marco"
"resource": "WAL-62EPFgDCGOM"

ledger type

When lookup_service.type is ledger, the lookup_service.value field can be set to any of the following DLTs:

  • ethereum: Ethereum network.
  • hyperledger-fabric: Hyperledger Fabric network.

lookup_service.value must match the DLT where you want to execute the operation.

The field resource is the account or smart contract address in the DLT network.


"lookup_service": {
"type": "ledger",
"value": "ethereum"
"resource": "0xfea8e07b145bb611a4b5ab5c015f3cc3644c083a"