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This section contains a list of terms used in the MARCO documentation.


MARCO is mainly used by companies and teams of developers. When you sign-up for a new MARCO account, an organization is created to manage in one place all your MARCO resources and how users access them.


Everything under your organization is a resource. Each resource has assigned a unique identifier assigned to refer to it when making API calls.

Examples of resources are accounts, projects, marpps, and smart contracts.

IAM Identities

Accounts that can access or interact with MARCO. Accounts can be assigned privileges to control their access to resources.

For more information, see IAM identities.


A project contains a set of resources related to a specific blockchain project.


Accronym for "MARCO Application". Represents a blockchain-agnostic application on the MARCO Platform.

For more information, see Marpps.

Smart contract

Smart contracts are computer programs that are executed on a blockchain network. They are used to automate the execution of a contract or agreement between two or more parties.

For more information, see Smart contracts.


Acronym for "Generic Ledger Operation". A GLO is a declarative structure to specify operations on any DLT supported by MARCO.

For more information, see GLOs.


Plugins are packages that extend MARCO to support new features. For example, plugins can add support for a new DTL, authentication method, or data source.

For more information, see Plugins.


Acronym for "Distributed Ledger Technology". A DLT is an append-only data storage spread across multiple nodes in a network. This data is stored in a distributed way, meaning each node has a part or a complete copy of the history. DLTs rely on a consensus mechanism to determine if new entries are valid and to synchronize the latest state with other nodes.

For more information, see DLTs.


A wallet is a set of keys and credentials that identifies an account in a DTL network.