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Deploy a smart contract

In this guide, you will learn how to deploy a compiled Ethereum smart contract using the MARCO API.


Before you start, complete the following prerequisites:

Step by step

To deploy a smart contract, send a POST request to the Ledger Call endpoint as follows:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'ApplicationToken: <APPLICATION_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"ledgerId": "<LEDGER_ID>",
"method": "deploy",
"params": ["<BYTECODE>","<ABI>","<PARAMETERS>"],
"marco": {
"walletId": "<WALLET_ID>",
"dependencies": []
"plugin": {
"walletPassword": "<WALLET_PASSWORD>"


  • APPLICATION_TOKEN: The marpp token. For guidance on obtaining this token, see the Quickstart guide.
  • ACCESS_TOKEN: The access token. For guidance on obtaining this token, see the Quickstart guide.
  • LEDGER_ID: The resource ID of the ledger where the contract will be deployed. For example, LGR-3c8de984e49.
  • BYTECODE: The byte code of compiled smart contract. For example, 0x6060604052341561000...5b6f4e647c2844f4e1c8cf1d8e037c72.
  • ABI: The ABI of the smart contract. For example, '[{"inputs":[{"name":"value","type":"string"}],"type":"constructor"}]'.
  • PARAMETERS: An array of the contract parameters in string format. If the contract does not have parameters, then send an empty array like "[]".
  • WALLET_ID: The resource ID of the wallet that will call the smart contract. For example, WAL-62EPFgDCGOM.
  • WALLET_PASSWORD: The password of the WALLET_ID.

Once the request is sent, the API returns an action ID and its status:

"actionId": "3dd80efc-3538-4a5e-9b31-4075565a4022",
"intent": "e3c8e28d-9a6f-4aed-8a3f-faa4e538b2df",
"status": "PENDING"

Next step

To retrieve the details of the operation, follow the Search transaction guide.